Como estàs? Argentina Santa Fe is a great place.
You all should visit it one day. Luckily for me, It`s still my home for
the next 16 months! There is a temperature that is rather high and a
humidity that causes everyone to sweat. Everyone is friendly and we all
complain about the heat together. While complaining about heat, we drink
hot sugar plant water, it`s called mate. It`s pretty funny and I love it.
My poor new companion has asked me various times this week with a concerned
voice ´´Elder, where are we?´´ and I have responded ´´Argentina.´´ That`s
just a quick example that I haven`t lost my sarcasm. Good thing or bad thing? I
don`t know haha
Jonathan is doing great! He talks a lot more and is
beginning to smile more! So awesome! I remember the first week that
we went to pick him up for church, and my comp and I told him, ´´If you come to
church with us today, it will change your life.´´ It has been amazing to see
the Lord fulfill our promise! We also met a new investigator this week,
her name is Vanesa, the first lesson she accepted a baptism invitation!
She gives the most uplifting compliments. She says that we bring a peace
and tranquility that she has never felt. She says she always has a good
day after our visits. I know it is the Spirit and the Lord providing her
with all these blessings but it is nice to have her talk good about us. I
am excited to see the future with her. She`s a great lady. Like
most Argentines she has to get married, but God is working miracles and it will
be done! We are trying to talk with everyone in the street, especially
sharing the message of the Restoration. We have asked people if we can
say a prayer, right on the spot, to know if it`s true. A few people have
invited us in, and we have kneeled in their living room, and we offered a pray
to God to know the truth of what we are teaching. It`s so cool.
Those who have accepted the prayer, have also accepted a time for us to return,
and they usually send us off with a smile on their face. The gospel is
true. I know that God has answered the prayer to these people in that
very moment. We will see if they will choose to act on their
answer. The future is bright in Santa Fe.
Well, I love you all. People always ask if I miss my
family. I always respond,
´´Sì, les extraño un poco pero sè que las familias son eternas.´´ I
am grateful for this gospel and that I get to live with you awesome people
forever. Have a great week, enjoy the snow, enjoy the mountains, enjoy
rootbeer, enjoy the gospel.
Con amor,
Elder Maynard
man i love ice cream haha
First train i have seen in my mission so i tried to take a selfie
elder clement was a little tired during studies haha
They called in the giants to do service projects cleaning the ceiling. Great family FLia Montenegro. They are elders quorum president and relief society president and they always give me chocolate milk so I love them