Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September Winds Down

Saludos a Todos,

Hey everyone! How are we doing?  I am doing great here in Santa Fe, the weather is beautiful and I am trying to enjoy it while we can.  The week was really fun and it went by fast for Elder Pearson and I here in Costanera.  We made a huge effort this week to talk with EVERYONE in the street.  We didn´t let a single soul pass by us unless we had to walk fast to get to an appointment or something important.  It was seriously so much fun.  The days went by quick and we were just enjoying it.  I love how we get all types of reactions from people.  Some people ignore us, some people hide from us, others talk to us until they realize who we are, and others are actually really nice people.  This leads me to a phrase that I often say, ´´Hay de todo en Argentina. ´´ Missionary work is incredible.  I just know that it is the truth, why else would we be doing this?  It is so awesome.  
We have been making another big effort to get the members involved here in the missionary work.  We have been going around and sharing a family night with everyone. (HERE IT IS: )  Read it and it will make you a better person, I promise.  it has made the members excited to visit investigators with us and help them understand their duties as members to share the gospel. EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY.  For real, this talk has changed how the member´s here have looked at the missionary work.  Read it and it will bless your life.
We had a funny surprise yesterday.  We were kind of sad because none of our investigators were able to come to church. Out of no where we get a text from some elders in another ward.  They asked us if we have investigators named Mariana and Alejo.  We said yes.  They then told us that they were there in their church building! haha Our investigators went to the wrong church! But at least they were able to get there! YES!! Wow, Elder Pearson and I just got pumped up after that.  Alejo is 12 years old and we were able to teach him 2 times this past week. The kid is just a stud and he convinced his mom to go to church with him. JUVENTUD DE ISRAEL!  Alejo has a baptism date for the 29th of October.
I already told you guys that we talked with basically everyone we saw this week right?  Well I have another lesson with this, after lots of tribulations come the blessings.  We would be contacting for hours and hours and hours, enjoying ourselves, but we wouldn´t have much success. But always right before the end of the night, we would find someone Awesome! So i just want to add in that my testimony grew this week of the blessings that come after much tribulation.
This past Friday we also had another Zone Conference in the zone of Rafaela.  They are a lot of fun. Anyway I got a cool revelation out of it.  We have to set specific goals in life.  It is like pitching a baseball.  If we aim for the mit, and mess up a little bit, then the ball won´t enter the glove. But if we aim at the thread in the mit, and mess up a little bit, we still probably will throw the ball into the mit.  So we shouldn´t set generally wide goals in life, because the baseball can go wherever. But If we set specific goals, then we will throw a few strikes.  I hope you all can understand me haha Sometimes I feel like I don´t make sense because English is my second language. :) I think my dad will understand what I am trying to say, so if you are confused, ask him.
Scary story for the week, I was saying my prayer at night and a spider the size of a nickel crawled on my face.  It wasn´t that big of a spider, but any spider on my face is not welcome.  I often say to my comp that I am going to die in Argentina. (do not freak out mom, it is only a joke.)
I love you all!

Elder Maynard

Some far views of Santa Fe 


More views 

 Walmart-  Ahorrá plata, viví mejor
 I ate a hamburger and I wasted 1200 pesos in walmart.

family night with the Familia Zanuttini 

 i call this jog in the morning ´´The Rocky Run´´

 Mosquitos bites are starting up, time to use my bug repelant again.

 This spider crawled on my face as I was praying
 This picture has a thousand words
 This little drawing on the wall kind of freaked me out so I took a picture with it
 Chocotorta oreo :D

 It has flowers and no leaves. So cool
 I call this the Dr. Seuss tree
 Dr. suess tree close up
 This are the last pics for the week

Monday, September 19, 2016


Muy Buenos Dìas a Todos,

One of my favorite things every morning is to open the window, see the sunshine breaking over the top of buildings and trees, and hear the chirping of the birds.  Pretty cheesy, right? But it is awesome and I get a big breath of some nice Argentine air.  You have to be grateful for the small tender mercies in life.

As a missionary I am always thinking of ways to be better.  There are always things that we can do to improve.  This week I think I came to a conclusion that I worry too much. haha So I have been trying to relax a little bit and enjoy the ride.  I studied a characteristic this week, Hope.  Hope is a tranquility that everything will be alright.  A tranquility and a faith that God will fulfill with his promises and blessings.  Hope brings us ``even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.``(D&C 59: 23) So I tried to forget about myself a little more this week and be calm.  I am going to pray for more hope that everything will be alright, and I know it will.

We had a revival this week with our investigator Alberto!  He came to our activity that we had in the church last week and he is making arrangements so that he can retire, which will allow him to come to church.  He told us that his goal is to be able to be baptized.  So we set the goal with him for the 22nd of October.  VAMOS!  The man is just a stud.  We are going to be making a big push to help him out.  I wish I could record Alberto`s prayers.  They are the best.  I sit there in complete peace, and this man just pours his soul out to God.  Last night he prayed so that he can be baptized the 22nd of October and I got chills.  It was a great way to end the week.

A few other investigadores have fallen through on us but we keep pushing forward.  We contact doors like animals.  We have praying for the hearts of the people to be softened and we have seen a difference lately.  Good things are sure to come.  We just have to have hope.

Have a great week everyone! I send my love from Santa Fe! The best mission in the world.  


Elder Maynard
 Hey Britt, they call me ``El Fachero``
 Sloppy Joe Pizza
 The night life of elder maynard
 Zone Conference Santa Fe Oeste

 You know what mom, maybe you are right. Yeah I don`t eat enough..... ;)

 Fish with the Familia Chiapello!

 Elder Maynard in his casual stage before going to bed

Monday, September 12, 2016

Road Trip Week

Queridos Familiares y Amigos,

Just like every other week in the mission, we had a full week! I love keeping busy and working hard!  Some people relate the mission field to a military academy, and I would have to say that the mission field is more efficient and more rewarding! Go Mission.
We started off the week traveling to a city in the mission called La Paz.  It was a great road trip filled with Coke and treats. :)  It was like a road trip with the fam.  In La Paz we did divisions with some of the Elders there.  La Paz is awesome. It has lots of hills and dirt roads.  It is really peaceful compared to the city.  We contacted a 13 year old kid in the street.  He reminded me of Chunk from ``The Goonies.`` haha Argentine Chunk.  We dropped the First Vision on this kid and he was pretty amazed.  Amazed or confused. One of the two.  But he was pretty excited so I assumed that he was amazed.  I asked him if he has prayed to God before and he said ``Yeah, I pray every night and I thank him.``  I just thought, Argentine Chunk is an absolute stud! Lets go! He has friends in the church and I asked him if he wants to come to church with us and be baptized.  He told us ``Sì.`` Alright!! haha it was fun and really cool. The next day we had Zone Conference in La Paz.  President Pèrez is just a spiritual warrior.  I would follow the man to the battlefront of Armageddon. (I can`t spell) I am just on cloud nine while listening to his talks.  Elder Pearson and I gave a little workshop on District meetings.  It turned out great.  The Spirit always helps out a ton. It was just a solid time.
We continued our road trip to Concordia. Once again pulling out another spiritual time. President Pèrez came out strong, helping us to understand that we need TO BE missionaries, not only appear like one.  We can apply this as members of the church.  We have to LIVE the gospel and BELIEVE it. Not just go to church on Sundays.  We gave a work shop this time on the baptism invitation. All the missionaries are just studs.  There was a lot of participation from everyone and I learn so much from everyone.  I feel so blessed to be able to know so many good people. The mission is really special.
We finally returned home to Santa Fe.  It was a great trip and went by really quick.  On Saturday we had a Church Open House in our ward.  Four of our investigators came! It was great.  We worked our tails off for this activity and we are pretty happy that these four people were able to come.  How great will be our joy if only 1 soul comes unto God!  
I am grateful for my mission.  I am grateful for all the short comings and difficulties.  I am grateful for tender mercies and special moments.  I am grateful to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.  There is no other way! I am grateful for all of my family and friends! I love you all. Have a great week.


Elder Maynard

A chair made out of cow
  Me eating cow

 Ice cream
 Riding with Pres. Perez with coke and alfajores

 Night time snack
 Zone conference LA PAZ

 I get my soda in while I can. By May 10th we will be stopping
 Lunch with President
 ice cream y brownie :)
 A nice view with a peak of the parana river below

 Campo de argentina!




 More capilla abierta
 more food for mom

 Capilla Abierta Crew
 I am thinking about proposing to my wife here, what do you guys think?
 Elder Maynard in his natural habitat
Hey jackson, here is david`s phone, so you dont need an iphone 7