Monday, November 9, 2015

6 meses ya fue :O

Hola amados mìos!

Wow, would you look at that.  It`s November and I have 6 months in the mission!!  I can`t believe it.  Time flies, verdad?  I still feel like a baby in the mission. haha The mission is just one of the most humbling experiences in the world.  You have to rely completely on the Lord Jesus Christ.  I arrived in a foreign land and couldn´t understand a word, and after 6 months I only understand every other word. haha But the mission opens your eyes to the eternal perspective.  Nothing else matters in the world but the Gospel, and that is why Missionary Work is the greatest.  We help others open their eyes too.  People are lost in the dark, and we help them open their eyes and see our Savior Jesus Christ, who is the light and life of the world, who overcomes all darkness.  The good news is that we are all missionaries!  We are missionaries for our whole lives!  So do I have 18 months left or 60 years?:O  But I love my mission.  I can´t wait for the many more good things to come.

This week was a week to show our faith.  We basically dropped all of our investigators.  None of them are progressing.  David, who had a baptism date, he investigated the church for the wrong reasons.  We prayed about it and decided it would be best to let him go to.  It´s hard to let go of people that you prayed for, fasted for, and that you love.  But we had to trust in the Lord that it`s not their time yet.  Besides the fact that we have dropped many investigators we had one of the best weeks of my mission numbers wise.  Lots of lessons taught and we received lots of references too!  I feel like the Lord blessed us a lot this week for relying on him to find new people to teach.  We have lots of appointments set this week for new people, so I am excited! We will see how it goes! 

Because it is 6 month mark, here is a little testimony in Spanish!

Yo sè que Jesucristo vive.  Me encanta la mision y que yo tenga la oportunidad a servir mi padre celestial.  Yo sè que el libro de mormon es verdadero. Es el libro màs poderoso en todo el mundo y podemos acercarnos a Dios mediante el mensaje que contiene.  yo quiero mi familia y yo sè que vamos a vivir juntos para toda la eternidad.  Yo agradezco mi Padre Celestial cada dia por mi mision y la vida que yo tengo.   I LOVE YOU ALL!! Have a great week.

Con amor,

Elder Maynard


 empenadas y torta para celebrar el cumpleaños de elder clayton!!!!

 After 5 hours straight in the pouring rain of argentina, elder clayton y I made it out alive.  Soaking wet.  Everything just like we jumped into a pool.  Good memories hahaha

 Yes.  Yes, missionaries are Jedis

Just a nice bright and sunshiney day:)

and thats right folks, i put my skirt on...  we just have a sister missionary`s mission left to go.  18 months left. Lets do it.

selfie in the street, por què no?

 Is that Elder Maynard? In a restaurant?  Yes.... Yes it is hahaha
 BURGER!!! YEAH! hahaha 
 Enjoying a nice PDay lunch
Elder Maynard with cool basketball pic

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